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The Science of Fitness : Power, Performance, and Endurance MOBI, TXT


The Science of Fitness: Power, Performance, and Endurance clearly explains the vital connection between diet and exercise in the human body. With this knowledge, you can use the right exercise and nutrition to obtain a higher quality life, prevent disease, and slow the aging process. Authored in a straightforward style and with color images throughout, this book explores the cellular science behind fitness, protein synthesis, and healthy living. With it you will learn the most recent and important discoveries in the relationships between physical fitness, nutrition, weight loss, and weight management. It provides key information on the body s mitochondrial processes and their role in aging, along with well-informed discussions on general nutrition, sports nutrition, exercise physiology, how to enhance athletic performance, and how exercise strengthens the mind. Whether you are interested in how to eat healthy, train for your first (or next) marathon, take your fitness to the next level, find the best super foods, or simply want to improve your vitality through healthy, doable practices, this book will help you on your journey regardless of age or fitness level. Presents the connection between exercise, nutrition, and physiology in a way that is ideal for both experienced athletes and newcomers Provides the scientific basis for mitochondrial functions and their relationship to fitness, protein synthesis, quality of life, and the aging process Synthesizes the latest research on nutrition, sports nutrition, super foods, and the brain/body connection Co-Authored by legendary cyclist Greg LeMond, who illustrates key points using his own athletic journey ", The Science of Fitness: Power, Performance, and Endurance provides a scientific explanation as to how exercise and nutrition enable people to live a higher quality life, with a focus on mitochondrial cell energy as the center of athletic performance, physical fitness, disease prevention, and aging. This approach will bridge the gap between cellular biology and exercise fitness. "The Science of Fitness" gives competitive and elite athletes an edge in achieving optimal performance, while also helping recreational athletes who want to improve fitness. It is of great benefit to all who want to improve overall health and vitality. By learning the science of fitness, you will understand why training makes your body more energized and powerful. "" Covers the human cell and explains in detail how fitness is a biologic processExamines how mitochondria generate athletic energy, multiply with exercise, and diminish with inactivity.Provides practical advice with effective tools and metrics to improve/maintain health with frequent and strenuous exercise.Offers a case study of Greg LeMond: his racing career and mitochondrial myopathy.", The Science of Fitness: Power, Performance, and Endurance provides a source of information that goes from mitochondrial function as the center of disease and aging, and provides a scientific explanation as to why and how exercise and nutrition can help people live a longer and sustain a higher quality of life. This approach will help bridge the gap between cellular biology and exercise fitness. The Science of Fitness will give competitive and elite athletes an edge in achieving natural, optimal performance, and also help recreational athletes who want to improve fitness. It will be of great benefit to all wanting to improve overall health and vitality. By learning the science of fitness, you will understand why training makes your body more energized and powerful. Covers the human cell and explains in detail how fitness is a biologic process Examines how mitochondria generate human energy, increasing with exercise, and diminishing with inactivity Identifiies effective tools and metrics to prove frequent and strenuous exercise positively maintains health A case study of Greg LeMond, his racing career, and mitochondrial myopathy, Written by legendary and pioneering bicyclist Greg LeMond and Dr. Mark Hom, The Science of Fitness: Power, Performance, and Endurance combines science with the personal and compelling case study of Greg LeMond, his racing career, and mitochondrial myopathy. With a straightforward writing style and color images throughout, you will be shown how mitochondrial cell energy is at the center of athletic performance, physical fitness, disease prevention, and aging. With this knowledge, you can use the right exercise and nutrition to obtain a higher quality life, prevent disease and slow the aging process. The Science of Fitness gives competitive and elite athletes an edge in achieving optimal performance, while also helping recreational athletes who want to improve fitness. It is of great benefit to all who want to improve overall health and vitality. By learning the science of fitness, you will understand why training makes your body more energized and powerful. Explains in simple terms how fitness is a biologic process Provides practical advice with effective tools and metrics to improve/maintain health with frequent and strenuous exercise Offers a case study of Greg LeMond: his racing career and mitochondrial myopathy

The Science of Fitness : Power, Performance, and Endurance by Glenn Gaesser download MOBI, DOC, EPUB

And with that awareness comes the endless potential for mastery and achievement beyond anything you thought possible.The thorough analysis includes a discussion of the following issues: the need to address nutrition and physical activity as important health determinants; the emphasis traditionally placed at EU level on food safety rather than food quality; the need for the development of databases on nutrition and physical activity, comparable common indicators and risk assessment mechanisms; mainstreaming public health into all EU policies; the scope of EU powers in the case law of the Court of Justice; the role of information in the EU s obesity prevention strategy; the Commission s proposed Mandatory Nutrition Declaration; the Food Claims Regulation; the regulation of food marketing to children, and in particular the role of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive and industry self-regulation; food reformulation; the use of economic instruments in the EU s obesity prevention strategy, with an emphasis on the Common Agricultural Policy and the EU s taxation policy; and EU action in the fields of sport, occupational health and safety, and transport policy.The text underscores the influence of nutrition on hatchability, including the composition and size of hatching eggs; the right amounts of proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals; feed ingredients; and feeding practices.Instead, we have been led astray by the growing divide between flavor--the tastes we crave--and the underlying nutrition.Short, asthmatic, and stubborn, Gilder made the team against all odds and for the next ten years devoted herself to answering a seemingly simple question: how badly do you want to go fast?Dr. Vonda Wright is the creator of a unique exercise program tailored to the needs of mature athletes.Good Old Dog brings their renowned expertise into your living room, providing you with essential advice on nutrition, health, and caretaking to see your dog through the golden years.Turning to our generation's greatest team builders from the sports and business worlds, he conducted more than a hundred interviews with some of the most successful teams and organizations in the country.Whom does a future NBA Hall of Famer thank at his press conference when he s named Rookie of the Year?A soft-spoken former lawyer, Ravin has become professional basketball's hottest trainer.Still, colossal dangers remained, and the beauty of exploring human flight with such unprecedented grace would exact the ultimate cost for some pilots--they would pay with their lives.The pursuit of sports among Jews in Europe was never a marginal phenomenon, however.One name stood out among all the others: Alex Rodriguez, the highest-earning player in the game.The book affords an inside look at the training techniques, off-season conditioning programs, scouting habits, and practice plans that produced such an outstanding team.