Download Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom 2015-16 (2016, Paperback) in PDF, DJV, DOC


This extensively updated eighth edition of Investors' Guide to the United Kingdom provides an authoritative and essential guide to the buoyant investment climate of the United Kingdom together with outlines of the laws, business regulations and practices that affect foreign investors. The Guide also details the many support services which UK Trade & Investment offers incoming investors and the grants and incentives that are available. Individual chapters profile the prime industry sectors of opportunity for inward investment and elements of the financial sector. The most recent United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) World Investment Report again confirms that the UK ranks third as the largest global recipient of FDI stock after the US and China and foremost in the EU. Likewise, the A T Kearney FDI Confidence Index registers the UK in third place. These rankings reflect its enterprise culture, business-friendly employment laws, world-class support service and relatively benign fiscal policies. Aimed at foreign businesses of all sizes, from multinationals to SMEs as well as Sovereign Wealth Funds, the Guide offers in-depth briefings on the technical aspects of investment and business start-ups such as: Grants and incentives, UKTI support services, Company formation, Financial reporting, Business taxation, Commercial law, Intellectual property, Immigration, Employment law, Pension and benefits, Mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, Key industry sector opportunities, The particular industries featured extend from regeneration, renewable energy and upstream oil and gas to automotive, life sciences, digital healthcare and agricultural science and technologies. Book jacket., This includes the principal sectors of opportunity for foreign investors, the grants and incentives available, the financial sector and the laws and business regulations that affect foreign investors.In its World Investment Report 2013, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reconfirmed the UK as the largest recipient of foreign direct investment stock in Europe. The Ernst & Young European Attractiveness Survey 2014 found that the UK is the most attractive location for investors in Europe and ranks fifth globally after China, the US, India and Brazil in foreign investors' expectations over the next three years. This reflects its enterprise culture, business-friendly employment laws, world-class support services and relatively benign fiscal policies.Topics covered include: Grants and incentives, Company formation, Financial reporting, Business taxation, The Financial Services Organisation, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Commercial law, Intellectual property, Immigration, Pensions and benefits, Mergers and acquisitions, Joint ventures, The AIM market of the London Stock Exchange., This new, fully updated 8th edition of Investors Guide to the United Kingdom provides an authoritative and essential guide to the current investment climate in the United Kingdom. This includes the principal sectors of opportunity for foreign investors, the grants and incentives available, the financial sector and the laws and business regulations that affect foreign investors. In its World Investment Report 2013, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reconfirmed the UK as the largest recipient of foreign direct investment stock in Europe. The Ernst & Young European Attractiveness Survey 2014 found that the UK is the most attractive location for investors in Europe and ranks fifth globally after China, the US, India and Brazil in foreign investors expectations over the next three years. This reflects its enterprise culture, businessfriendly employment laws, world-class support services and relatively benign fiscal policies. Aimed at foreign businesses of all sizes, from multinationals to SMEs as well as Sovereign Wealth Funds, this unique guide offers in-depth briefings on the technical aspects of investment as well as business start-up. This edition features investment opportunities in energy and regeneration which are of interest to primary asset fund managers as well as other key business sectors. Investors Guide to the United Kingdom is published in association with UK Trade & Investment. Includes a Foreword from Michael Boyd, Managing Director Investment, UK Trade & Investment."

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